Another Halloween has come and gone and what to do with all that candy? Bring it to the Yellow Ribbon Support Center! Groups have been collecting Halloween candy and dropping off at the center to be sent to the troops. So far we have collected approximately 2,000 lbs of Skittles, Snickers, Hershey bars and every other kind of candy you can think of to send to the guys and gals serving overseas. That’s a ton…literally. We’re tucking a few toothbrushes in the boxes too for good measure.
Donation drives by Dr. Thatcher, Ft. Wright Elementary School, Norwood Elementary School, Rainbow Childcare, Roger Bacon Girls Scout Troops, and Mason High School have brought in a huge amount of candy. These groups have also donated funds towards postage and written letters or drawn special pictures for our troops. We’ve also had a number of walk-ins who have dropped off a bag or two of treats. So if you have candy you’d like to donate, drop on by and we’ll see it gets to the troops.
It will cost between $1,200 and $1,500 (depending on where it is shipped) for postage just to send what we have collected so far. If you would like to help and don’t happen to have extra Halloween candy, a few dollars is always helpful.
As always, we are humbled by the generous support of our community. Thank you.